Built shelter

Built Shelter

(c.400,000 B.C.E)

Human beings from Heidelberg built the first hut..

Homo heidelbergensis, who lived in Europe between around 800,000 and 200,000 B.C.E., is thought to have erected the oldest evidence of a built structure. Anthropologists are unsure if these individuals were Neanderthals, Homo neanderthalensis, or both of these species' forefathers.

The foundations of what appear to be gigantic oval huts have been discovered at the roughly 400,000-year-old French site of Terra Amata. One of them exhibits signs of fire in a fireplace, against the hypothesis of other archaeologists that natural processes might have been involved. It is challenging to conduct archaeology on sites from hundreds of thousands of years ago. In 2000, claims that manmade structures in Japan date back more than 500,000 years were refuted.In reality, the validity of every piece of evidence that people existed in Japan before 35,000 years ago.

We are aware that for hundreds of thousands of years, our ancestors lived in caves. However, caves are confined to a few locations. Our predecessors were able to protect themselves from the elements and hazardous animals thanks to their abilities to build shelters close to food, water, and other supplies, whether they began doing so 100,000 or 400,000 years ago. Living nearby their place of employment also provided them more time to create new methods of doing things.

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