Stone Tools
(c. 2,600,000 B.C.E)

The dawn of inventions is brought about by early humankind.

Sharp flints were the first thing humans created. Primitive peoples discovered and utilised them in their natural state before sharpening stones on purpose. The custom dates back to the very beginning of human history; stone implements discovered in Kenya in 1969 are thought to be 2,600,000 years old.
Core, flake, and blade tools are the three main categories of tools that first appeared during the Paleolithic period and vary in size and shape.
The largest and most basic tools were formed by pounding a fist-sized block of rock or stone (the core) with a rock of a comparable size (the Hammerstone), removing massive flakes from one side to create a pointed crest. This was a tool that may be used for chopping, pounding, or hacking.Over time, more practical core tools with thinner and sharper edges were created. Other methods of crafting stone items, like as pecking, grinding, sawing, and drilling, emerged much later, particularly during the last 10,000 years of the Stone Age.

Early humans were able to do many tasks that had previously been impossible or only very crudely achievable because to the emergence of tool manufacture. With the use of stone cutters, cleavers, and choppers, animals could be skinned, defleshed, and the meat separated. Animal hides were used for clothing, which were then perforated with awls after being scraped clean with hard stone scrapers. With the development of spearheads made from stone flakes, hunting became more productive. And with the use of stone adzes (axes), early humans were able to build homes and start moulding the physical world to suit their needs.

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